Elders and Deacons

Our Leaders

Presbyterian government is an ingenious system of shared power between pastors and lay people.  We elect leaders to guide our congregation, trusting them to listen for God’s voice and to work as partners with one another.



The Session is an elected board of 15 Elders who serve three-year terms and are charged with maintaining the program, the spiritual life and the physical plant of this church. Each committee is chaired by an Elder and has several members from the congregation.

Click here for a current list of Elders.

Click here for a list of church committees.



An elected board of our church, the Deacons show care and concern for members and friends of the church. They serve three-year terms and provide transportation to worship services and care for shut-ins, assist people in crises, maintain contact with college students and support local food drives.

Click here for a current list of Deacons.

See also Stephen Ministry.


The Session is an elected board of 15 Elders who are charged with overseeing the spiritual life, the program, and the physical plant of the church. Each committee is chaired by an elder and has several members from the congregation.


Our current Session is listed below.

Rev. William Carter - Moderator;   Beverly Bright - Clerk of Session
Class of 2025Class of 2026Class of 2027
Barbara Decker Kim Barrows Bradley Campbell
Patti McGonagle David Naeher Robin Pinches
Jeff McLaughlin Jan Thyren Michael Thompson
Chris Norton John Young Alan Baker
Briar Woodley Karen White



An elected board of the church, our Deacons show care and concern for members and friends of the church. They provide transportation to worship, care for shut-ins, assist people in crises, maintain contact with college students and support local food drives.
Current Deacons of First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit
Class of 2025Class of 2026Class of 2027
John Conklin Erica Adams Diane Cosner
Grace Farrell Judy Cutler Bill Farrell
Liam Farrell Betsy Ellis Jack Pittman
Bill Keller Susan Flynn Diana Pope-Albright
Jamie Strong Gwynne Gilbert Debbie Shane
Chris Jeske
Debbie Miller
Barbara Norton


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