Bible Study

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We at First Presbyterian Church value our Christian Education programs, and an important part of Christian Education is the study of the Bible. 



Presbyterian Women

In the Presbyterian Church, the Women's Association is organized into Circles. Here at First Presbyterian, we have three circles, Dorcas, Priscilla, and Eunice.  For the time being, the three meet as one group on the third Tuesday morning of each month at 10:00 am for fellowship and Bible study.


Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Periodically, Rev. Carter leads a video conference Bible study series, an a seasonal topic or a topic of interest. Generally at 7:00 pm each Wednesday evenings. -learn more-


Men's Breakfast

Every first and third Thursday morning of each month, the men of the church met for light breakfast and bible study.


Immerse Bible Reading Experience

For those who struggle with reading the bible and those who find the language cumbersom and hard to read, we offer the Immerse Bible Reading Experience. The groups met either weekly or bi-weekly (their choice). and review an Immerse book in eight, one-hour meetings. Each Immerse book includes several books of the Bible. The good news is we are renewing the Immerse program this fall, probably as a video meeting format. Learn more

Contact the office at 570-586-6306, or register here if interested.




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