“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are your doing for others?’”
The purpose of the Mission & Justice Committee of First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit is to provide church and community members with the opportunity to serve as Christ’s disciples. Following Christ’s teaching, we seek to minister to those in greatest need, seeking equality, challenging injustice and working towards a world of peace.

Hickory Street Meals
We will take our next turn helping Hickory Street Presbyterian Church with their community meals program on Saturday, March 23. We will again be seeking volunteers to prepare the entrée (ground beef stroganoff), a vegetable side (broccoli supreme), bake or purchase the desert (pumpkin pie), and help serve the meal that day.
We are also collecting bags of groceries to give away that day and history tells us we will need at least 35 of these, each containing the following items:
- 1 box of breakfast cereal
- 1 box of pasta
- 1 can or plastic jar of spaghetti sauce
- 1 box of Mac n Cheese
- 2 cans of vegetables,
- 1 can of fruit,
- 1 can of tuna
- 1 four-pack of pudding or jello cups,
- 1 box of Pop Tarts
- 1 plastic jar of peanut butter
- 1 plastic jar of jelly
- 1 bag of candy
You can shop for the complete list or just selected items, and bring them to the church. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the office at 570-586-6306.