
If you have an interest or skill in a specific area, please consider joining a committee! Call our church office at 570-586-6306 to be directed to the current committee chairperson.


Building & Grounds Committee

Responsible for the physical property of our church and its maintenance.


Christian Education and Growth Committee
Responsible for the youth and adult Church School programs, youth groups and Vacation Bible School.


Finance Committee
Oversees all financial matters of the church, including Finance and Budget; Enhancement; Stewardship and Commitment; Memorial Fund.


Fellowship and Evangelism Committee
Responsible for recruiting new members; encouraging new and existing members to engage in church through activities and fellowship; overseeing affiliation groups where members connect; and carrying out events.


Mission and Justice Committee
Defines and organizes various service opportunities engaging a variety of church members; allocates all local, presbytery, national and international giving from our church; and advocates for justice in our public voice as Christians. - more -


People in Ministry Committee
Responsible for staff reviews, caring for volunteers, the nominating committee, handling clearances for volunteers and leadership development for volunteers.


Worship, Music and Arts Committee 
Plans worship services, music and arts programs; engages liturgists; develops innovative music options.

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Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community