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Welcome to the online home of First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit, PA   We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) with over 400 members. We are glad you have found the website of this lively, loving and faithful congregation. We invite you to explore and discover why so many thoughtful Christians in our region make this church their spiritual home.



We welcome all people to our church family.


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October 27, 2024

  • volunteer-raise-handRaise Your Hand!- Volunteers are needed:
    •   Earth Care Corner -more-
  • bible 800X469
  • October 16 - Christian Education classes continue. The current theme is The Call to Discipleship. Join us at 5:45 pm each Wednesday. -Learn more-
  • October 13 - Living Faith Together (LIFT) After worship, join us for meal and intergenerational program. Families with children as well as congregants of all ages are invited to come for a potluck lunch.  Also December 8.
  • October 26, 9:00 am - Fall cleanup at the church.
  • October 27, 4:00 pm - The Merchants of Groove come to the Arts at First Presbyterian again to rock the house.
  • November 3 & 10 - Our We Worship Together series, held after worship, begins with a two-Sunday discussion of worship: what it is, why we do it, and more. On January 12, we learn about baptism.
  • blue-christmas-21December 16 - 7:00 pm - Blue Christmas service
  • Immerse Bible Group - Want to read the Bible with others in a supportive, non-threatening small group? Every Monday at 1:30 pm this group will meet at members' homes. -Learn more-  Contact the office at 570-586-6306 for locations.
  • Scholarships - scholarshipDid you know that First Presbyterian offers various scholarships for post high-school students?  And that we offer scholarships for church-related education and events? -Learn more-
  • Presbyterian Church (USA) - The 2022 General Assembly has concluded its meeting. Curious about the decisions? Want to learn more? Here is a summary
  • The FPCCS Endowment Fund - Your session has created the FPCCS Endowment Fund to ensure a long-term source of funds to sustain us well into the twenty-first century . -more-
  • Upper Room Devotional Booklets - The current issue is available at the church. If you or someone you know routinely takes one home, please leave a message on the church voicemail (570-586-6306) or send a message to office@fpccs.org and we will mail it out.
  • St. Francis Clothing Center is now accepting clothing. Please donate warm winter clothing, including coats. Donations may be placed in Fellowship Hall.
  • The 120-year old Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study has become an online-only free digital resource. This move broadens the reach of the book’s audience by sharing its inspiring content in a timelier manner and also demonstrates good stewardship of church resources. 
    The Mission Yearbook dates back to 1892 as a simple calendar of prayer to help women’s societies pray for missionaries on designated days. It has the longest history of any denominational mission and prayer book in the United States.
  • Going on vacation?  Did you know that you can set up your on-line giving so your pledge goes to the church even if you can't.  Click on the  big green pledge button and and set up your periodic giving. You can also direct a gift to any program.  Missions, music, youth programs, OGHS and the Deacon's Fund are just a few of the many programs that can use your gifts.
  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) is governed by its Book of Order. More than a mere "rule book," the Book of Order is a collection of wisdom, a statement of our church's values, and reasonable operating principles for how the church of Jesus Christ will do its work in the world. The Presbyterian Book of Order is available for downloading here.
  • Subscribe now to our weekly e-mail newsletter.






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