“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are your doing for others?’”
The purpose of the Mission & Justice Committee of First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit is to provide church and community members with the opportunity to serve as Christ’s disciples. Following Christ’s teaching, we seek to minister to those in greatest need, seeking equality, challenging injustice and working towards a world of peace.

Financial and Service Support
Guided by our denomination’s Office of Presbyterian Missions we support a variety of local, national, and even international organizations working on issues of mission and justice. Some of those we support are listed below. We also promote the four PC (USA) "Special Offerings" across each year, most of which support mission and justice work, and organize educational experiences (classes, table-talks, visual displays, print pieces, etc.) to inform and inspire our congregation.
News from Haiti -learn more-
St. Francis Kitchen
Hickory Street Presbyterian Community Meals
Earth Care
Voluntary Action Center
Special Offerings
Souper Bowl Sunday
Central European Mission
Alternative Gift Market
Asian mission
Special Offerings - Peace & Global Witness
Reaching the Pygmies Ministry

Adopt a Highway
CEO Weinberg Food Bank
My Brother's Keeper quilts